<<+--Love~Life & Ramblings--+>>

Come on...life can't be that perfect. You expect it to be all flower, butterflies and rainbows? Reality check...it's definately NOT

Monday, January 30, 2006


Remember what I said before? That this year is going to be a great year and that I can feel it in my guts? I take my words back....this is not going to be a great year...it's going to be an EXCELLENT year!

I woke up on the first day of Chinese New Year feeling really really positive. Well...we did the usual traditional thingy. Gathering back at my Tuakim's place with all my other uncles and aunties.

It was kinda great seeing all of them agian after a very long time. Better news is that Kok Keong, my cousin is getting married this year! After 3 years, we finally have another cousin tying the knot.

Of course everyone is really happy about it especially my uncles and aunties because he's the oldest grandson in the family. Also...you know how it is every year...the same old questions. "
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend ah? When getting married ah?"

I think this year is a very good year to get married because apparently most restaurants and hotels are booked! Good gracious me....

Well, without a doubt I got questioned about me having a boyfriend or not. But seeing that I'm still pretty much young....they let me off the hook and just asked abut my job. The older ones that's either 30 and above or nearing 30 got bugged endlessly.

But today I woke up and couldn't help screaming out with joy after I did my usual stuff.

*takes a deep breathe*


Yup yup...I almost fell out of my chair when I read that. They're officially debuting on March 22nd with a debut single entitled "Real Force" with a total of 14 songs, A dvd of "Real Force" and another for "Best of Kat-Tun".

This is great! The boys really deserves this after working hard for so long. So very happy....But going to be so broke on March...*sob sob* but it's well worth it!

More Kat-Tun for us from now on....more PVs....a real CD...YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I so can't wait!!!

See....this is what I meant by this year being an EXCELLENT year....

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Isn't it amazing how after one miracle, happens another?

I'm not sure if I should be thanking my lucky stars for whatever has befallen upon me. I'm not even sure if its a good thing or a bad?

One thing for sure is that having that 'thing' happen made the pain a lot lesser. But then agian...pain is a too strong word. More like...dissapointment.

I guess I've learned a lesson and that is to never put hope on anything. The higher you put your hope, the harder you'll fall right? So I guess...I can't help but really be dissapointed at the entire situation.

But just when I thought that my entire day was ruin, another miracle happened. It's something very very unexpected, something that kept me smilling the whole entire day.

No...I didn't strike a lottery or anything like that. It's more like....an ego boost really.

So I guess what they all say is right. Behind every dark cloud lies a silver lining.

I don't know what tomorrow may bring. But I sure do know that with every negative feeling, a positive one will come along.

As I said before...I've a very strong inkling that this year....is going to be a great year for everyone....:)

Saturday, January 21, 2006

I had my company annual dinner yesterday.....

Gwad...I'm going to so miss everyone...*cries*

Of course we had fun at our table. Drinking wine, talking, laughing and poking fun at one another. There was once, when I was quietly eating and silently observing *yeah yeah...very rare for that to happen*.

I realized how much I've come to grow so comfortable with each and everyone of them. It's amazing how we can lean on one another, depend on one another and also call each other friends when people tend to tell me that in our industry, nobody is truly our friend.

But I'm proud to say that I can call these group of people my friends instead of my colleagues.

I'm so sorry to leave you guys....so sorry that I've only spent a short time with all of you. But it was a time where I will always hold close to my heart and never ever forget the great hospitality you've given to me.

You guys have given me advices and never stop me from chasing my dreams. Instead you've encouraged me and also bring out the best in me.

*Getting very emotional here*

Yesterday, when our MD started to give a speech, apologizing to us if he had hurt us with his words, encouraging us to work together not as a team only, but as a family, thanking us for our hardwork....I started to think....

Have I made the right choice?

As if reading my mind....I got an sms from a dear friend telling me that no matter which path I choose, where I go and what I do....they'll always be there for me.

Even our Senior Account Director told me that in life, we have to take challenges. Hell yeah we'll be scared to take the first step into a place we don't know, but that's something that will keep pushing us to be better, pushing us to achieve something.

Yes....I agree with her. Life is all aobut challenges. We can't just sit back and be comfortable where we are. It's just going to make us lazy and really really spoilt.

I don't know how Grey is going to be. How their culture is going to be. But whatever it is...I'm accepting its challenge. Good or bad....

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Somewhere down the road, I've forgotten how to spend quality time with one of the most important person in my life....myself.

I've been too busy doing everything but quiet down and do something for myself. I didn't realize that until last night when I was so dead tired, I even skipped gym, went home and flopped on my bed before falling asleep at 9:30pm.

Yes...9:30 PM!!!

When on earth did life become so hectic? I guess I really need to slow down, quiet myself a little and just try to enjoy the tranquality of life.

I know for a fact that the coming month is going to be even more HECTIC than the life I'm leading right now.

Yup...you've guessed it. I've decided to accept Grey Worldwide's offer. It is after all something I've been aiming for right after I graduated. My first step into the high flying career I wanted. To be in an Multi-International Agency.

Ah well...it'll be good in my CV too anyway...*grin*

You've to sacrifice something to gain something right? So I'm sacrificing my time and a whole load of other thing to have a strong foundation in my career. Right now...I hope its worth it. *fingers crossed*

So...before I start my new job, I'm going to take 2 weeks off to just pamper myself. Spa...facial....HERE I COME!!!

I honestly don't know where life will lead me too or where I'm going at the moment. It's true that I'm pretty lost and still confused in many things.

But I do know one thing. Whatever I do...whatever I strive for is to achieve one goal and one goal only. That is my ultimate dream to migrate to "the land of the raising sun."

However, like one very special once told me. Whatever it is...no matter what it is....everything you do...it has to make you HAPPY.

It is true...happiness is definitely very important. I didn't want to accept the offer because I'm really very comfortable in my current job. I love the people here....but...I've to let them go and move on to greener pastures.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Oh My Gwad!!!

I haven't excatly been updating my blog have I? No more excuses of me being too busy...I'm just going to admit that I've been just too darn lazy.

Anyway, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!!! I have a strong feeling that this year, 2006 is going to be a way better year than the last for everyone.

Okay...where do I even start? Alot of things have been happening and it isn't the end of January yet. I mean...it's only been 9 days into the year 2006!!!!

Christmas was fun because I spent it with friends that I truly love. Oscar and Edison...house party...everyone getting high and tipsy....played Taboo....the whole thing....so I'm not going to go into details.

New Year's countdown was really really good. Went to Poppy's with Ting and his friends. Met people there...danced and just basically had a good time. Everyone and I mean...everyone was high and drunk. Thank goodness I only had a very very dilluted whiskey coke and nothing else but coke and water the entire night.

Of course New Year won't start with a bang if you don't witness gang fights. AHhaHAhh.....That was fun.....I thought I was actually watching a movie. A guy shouting suddenly and you think maybe they're playing when in actual fact he was chasing this other Malay dude.

There was this guy who was sitting by the curb when the Malay dude ran past and he calmly just stuck out his foot to trip the guy without even looking and just continued to play with his Handphone.

He didn't even bother to go look when they caught the Malay guy or when the police came to take the guy away. Toooo cool.....*brrr*

I decided on New Year's eve itself that I'll be satisfied and contented with my job and where I'm working at right now. I mean...everyone is so wonderfull even though I know for a fact that if i continued staying there, I wouldn't excatly grow in my career.

Yup...so I decided to just be comfy and stay on and be happy for another 6 months to get and learn some experience.

NooOoOooO....that's not the case you see. On the 3rd day of January, I recieved a phone call while driving too work.

I've been offered to work in Grey worldwide. A Multi International Company!!! Just what I always wanted!!! BUT.....when the offer came....I was abit confused....

I mean...there's so many aspects to look into. 1st, the distance. It's right smack in the city center while right now I've to drive only 5 mins to my work place.
2nd. I can't have my japanese classes 2 times a week and instead only once on Saturday. ArRrGhHhH!!!!

When I went for the interview, apparently I came 'Highly recommended' and Leon, (Oscar's Group Account Director for the Shell Team) was the one who gave my name. Surprise Surprise!

I'm actually getting a pay that's very high right now. A pay that usually only Senior Account Executive gets with 1 year experience. Obviously when you go to MIC's, it's impossible to get that kinda pay right?

I told the person who interviewed me and she was like....i don't think we can afford to pay you more. I said...fine, then maybe the same amount but better renumerations.

She said she'll contact me next week. But when I came home not more than 4 hours later, I recieved a phone call saying I've got the job and a higher pay rate.

WoOOoOoAhHhhH!!!! Now...I don't know if I should accept the job or not. They're even sending the appointment letter to me today by hand all the way from KL!!!

Decisions, decisions and also....................headache.