<<+--Love~Life & Ramblings--+>>

Come on...life can't be that perfect. You expect it to be all flower, butterflies and rainbows? Reality check...it's definately NOT

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

22 going on 23...

Time sure does fly doesn't it? I'm getting old...yes...very old...*avoids glares and punches from peeps at office..esp when I'm the youngest of the bunch*

I feel...urm...hmm...scared.

Why scared? I don't know...when I was 21, it was alright. Knowing that hey...you have many more years ahead of you.

22...was a turning point in life for me. Graduating...stepping into the society...starting a new job...starting a new life.

23...I've no idea what to expect. Everyone kinda wants me to get a boyfriend. I'm feeling the pressure....

I used to laugh when my aunts and uncle gives my unmarried cousin shit for not bringing back their girlfriends or boyfriends. Now...I'm feeling the pinch. *OuCh*

Not that I don't want a boyfriend. I mean...there's just isn't a guy out there that interest me at the moment. Sure there are guys who like....are potential...but after knowing them in depth...*sigh*

Imagine this....you go buy yourself an expensive Prada dress....its gorgeous...its expensive....its the ultimate dress. But after wearing it once...you noticed that the dress itches...the stitching is a little off and...well...its not really your type. The more you look at it...the uglier it gets. Then you regret spending your entire life savings on that stupid dress and wished you've gone with the Gucci Dress instead.

Now...I don't want to regret. And I know I can't compare a guy to a dress. But it's true!!!

The thing is....I did find someone. He's gorgeous. Got the green light from my best friend, my party girl friend and even my mom. The thing is...the more I talk to him....the more shallow I find him. There isn't any intelligence in that guy!!!

The worst thing is...he's trying to hard to impress me. Trying to sound smart but end up sounding really silly instead. I'm not saying that I'm smart or anything...or super intelligent. But seriously...maybe he's just too young.

But...he's older than me!!!! Hell...proves that guys do mature later than girls...HAHAHA...just kidding!

Okie okie....now now....I'm 23....not 32....so I better not complain so much. Let fate do what it has to do.

Main concentration at the moment...WORK WORK WORK....how to handle guys when WORK is all I dream about?!?!?


Thursday, April 06, 2006

Great...I fell sick on Tuesday.

Woke up with the sniffles and me being the 'Hero' I am, decided that I'll be alright and went to work.

The minute I reached the office, Amos took one look at me and asked if I was alright. HmmMm...did I really look that bad?

One hour passed, I was sneezing my nose out, my head felt like it ws being twirled like a basketball, my body felt numb and as Michael put it, I talked as if I was on drugs.

Went to see our panel doctor and the nurses took one look at me and went. "Poor thing! You shouldn't be working today."

Geeze...thanks....I know...

Doctor gave me a MC and sent me straight home.

The minute I reached home, I dropped on my bed and slept through the whole afternoon. Woke up for dinner, and slept agian till the next morning.

I still felt feverish the next day. But at least the flu was gone.

I really hate having the flu. It makes my nose swell and later, peel.


Enough about my blardy flu and get on about more interesting stuff.


Right....urm...I guess my life is just plain boring.

I'll update you on something the next round. It's 6 30 in the morning and my brains are still fuzzy.