Tong tong chiang!
I'm back in Penang with hubby for CNY! It's a totally different experience from what I've been doing the past 26 years of my life.
In KL, CNY is relatively quiet. Peaceful...I remember one year I was so bored, me and a friend drove up to Ampang Hill just to take in the beauty of the night lights. That night reminded me why I loved KL so much. It felt so different from the usual hustle and bustle. It was quiet...the night breeze gently carressing our skin and the view was amazing.
Also, tradition wise, I'll be away from my mother whom I will accompany on her rounds the first day. I feel somewhat lonely without her.
Anyway, Penang is an entirely new experience! It's really hot here but the spirit of CNY hangs heavily in the air.
People rush around doing their last min marketing and those who return from the city (like Ben & I), are rushing around trying to eat everything they've been craving before the shops closes for CNY.
I kinda like it. I think I've already put on 2 kgs just from sniffing the air around me. Food is yummy...and I had my fix of DVDs shopping.
Till then, happy CNY everyone! Love the Chews...

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