I had my company annual dinner yesterday.....
Gwad...I'm going to so miss everyone...*cries*
Of course we had fun at our table. Drinking wine, talking, laughing and poking fun at one another. There was once, when I was quietly eating and silently observing *yeah yeah...very rare for that to happen*.
I realized how much I've come to grow so comfortable with each and everyone of them. It's amazing how we can lean on one another, depend on one another and also call each other friends when people tend to tell me that in our industry, nobody is truly our friend.
But I'm proud to say that I can call these group of people my friends instead of my colleagues.
I'm so sorry to leave you guys....so sorry that I've only spent a short time with all of you. But it was a time where I will always hold close to my heart and never ever forget the great hospitality you've given to me.
You guys have given me advices and never stop me from chasing my dreams. Instead you've encouraged me and also bring out the best in me.

*Getting very emotional here*
Yesterday, when our MD started to give a speech, apologizing to us if he had hurt us with his words, encouraging us to work together not as a team only, but as a family, thanking us for our hardwork....I started to think....
Have I made the right choice?
As if reading my mind....I got an sms from a dear friend telling me that no matter which path I choose, where I go and what I do....they'll always be there for me.
Even our Senior Account Director told me that in life, we have to take challenges. Hell yeah we'll be scared to take the first step into a place we don't know, but that's something that will keep pushing us to be better, pushing us to achieve something.
Yes....I agree with her. Life is all aobut challenges. We can't just sit back and be comfortable where we are. It's just going to make us lazy and really really spoilt.
I don't know how Grey is going to be. How their culture is going to be. But whatever it is...I'm accepting its challenge. Good or bad....
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