Remember what I said before? That this year is going to be a great year and that I can feel it in my guts? I take my words back....this is not going to be a great year...it's going to be an EXCELLENT year!
I woke up on the first day of Chinese New Year feeling really really positive. Well...we did the usual traditional thingy. Gathering back at my Tuakim's place with all my other uncles and aunties.
It was kinda great seeing all of them agian after a very long time. Better news is that Kok Keong, my cousin is getting married this year! After 3 years, we finally have another cousin tying the knot.
Of course everyone is really happy about it especially my uncles and aunties because he's the oldest grandson in the family. Also...you know how it is every year...the same old questions. "Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend ah? When getting married ah?"
I think this year is a very good year to get married because apparently most restaurants and hotels are booked! Good gracious me....
Well, without a doubt I got questioned about me having a boyfriend or not. But seeing that I'm still pretty much young....they let me off the hook and just asked abut my job. The older ones that's either 30 and above or nearing 30 got bugged endlessly. *giggles*
But today I woke up and couldn't help screaming out with joy after I did my usual stuff.
*takes a deep breathe*

Yup yup...I almost fell out of my chair when I read that. They're officially debuting on March 22nd with a debut single entitled "Real Force" with a total of 14 songs, A dvd of "Real Force" and another for "Best of Kat-Tun".
This is great! The boys really deserves this after working hard for so long. So very happy....But going to be so broke on March...*sob sob* but it's well worth it!
More Kat-Tun for us from now on....more PVs....a real CD...YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I so can't wait!!!
See....this is what I meant by this year being an EXCELLENT year....