<<+--Love~Life & Ramblings--+>>

Come on...life can't be that perfect. You expect it to be all flower, butterflies and rainbows? Reality check...it's definately NOT

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Great...just great....I woke up with a crick in my neck...and it hurts if I try to turn it to the right. *oUcH*. I guess I need to re-stuff my feather down pillow...it's getting a little flat.

It's been raining everyday. The worst part is, it's hot in the afternoons and it rains cats and dogs at night. So waking up every morning is like freezing cold. But its nice...I love cold weather compared to warm or hot ones.

I like it when it rains....especially when I'm under my covers so cozily snuggled up. The smell of rain also kinda makes you go into this very calm and serene mood. Love it love it...I'll love it better if it snows!!!!

Too bad Malaysia has only 2 seasons all year round. The dry and wet season. So not fun. I want to build snowman...I want to go skiing...I want to go snowboard...I want to make snow angels...I want....I want I want!!!

Nothing much has been happening since I last blogged. Gonna keep this short and get back to work. *Damn it....I'm feeling sleepy today...*

Saturday, October 22, 2005

YikeS! It's been almost 2 weeks since I last updated. Gomenasai minnasan. I've been really really busy lately.

So...what's new in my life? Other than a new job....everything pretty much stays the same.

Love my new working environment. Love the peeps there as well. What Alvin, our operational director told me before I joined the company was true. We're like a family. Now waking up in the morning and going to work isn't a drag for me. It's more like....great! I'm going to work today!

Every morning, we will all gather at the pantry for breakfast, just chit chatting and joking...trust me. We are one hell of a noisy bunch. Especially Louie and Jeremy. But they crack me up. Everyone is really nice.

After breakfast, everyone goes back to work. So its busy busy busy time for us....until lunch hour. At excatly 1 you can smell a delicious aroma wafting through the air. Yup....Chan's home brought lunch pack being placed in the microwave. ehehhe....So everyone will gather at the pantry agian...chit chat...eat eat...then go downstairs for a drink.

We'll come back at 2 and start work agian....busy busy busy...then at about 4, its tea time!!! So coffee session....*unfortunately...i don't drink coffee...so I have tea*

Btw, we only chit chat when we are not that busy. When we have deadlines to rush and difficult clients to handle, we rarely have time to even pee. So...we really appreciate the free time we have to spend with one another.

I was supposed to go to Cameron Highlands with them on Friday since its a Public Holiday. But unfortunately I can't make it due to some stuff I needed to handle. *sob sob*

I guess you can say I'm pretty happy with where I am at the moment. It's an interesting place to work at coz we've got really big clients. For instance, Tourism Malaysia...we are handling the Japan and Korea division. Coz I can now read Hiragana and Katakana...I'm helping up in that account.

By right I'm in the Fujitsu division. But we've clients such as ING, Best Denki (yup yup another Japanese company and apparently the MD is damn young and good looking...ehhehe), the company that handles MNG, Shiro, ING, Papermate, TCRS and quite a number more.

Dang...I just realized I've been going on and on about my job. Guess I've become one of those ppl who only talk about their work and nothing else.DAME YO!!!

Other than work...I still manage to find time to head to the gym....I also am sitting for my Japanese exam soon...so more studying for me!!!!

Update about the weird stalker from gym. Oscar was with me the other day and we were having a drink before heading for a shower. That Larry guy showed up and to cut a long story short...Oscar was my bf for the day...ahhaah...

So no more weird SMS....YAY! Well...weekends I don't really go out anymore. Want to spend quality time with family coz on the weekdays, they hardly see me. I'm out of the house by 8 30 am and only back at about 11 pm. So....Saturdays is spend shopping with my mom till afternoon, we have a family dinner and then I go out at night with my friends. Sunday...wake up late...coz its a day to Laze and get ur stuff done. Lunch will be cooked by dad....Afternoon just spend chit chatting with mom...and evenings will be out with my friends.

Trying to juggle my time so that I don't neglect anyone.

Anyway, I was talking to Liy the other day and both of us realize how much we miss one another. I miss our bitching sessions...or blur crap....and she made me realize how much she understood me....weeell...looking forward in meeting up with her soon to have our chocolate fondue...YUMMY!!!

So...till next time.......Ja Ne!

Saturday, October 08, 2005

*JuMpIng ArOUnD LiStENinG to Ellegarden*

This band is massive...rock on Ellegarden!!!

Okay, let's get down to business. My prediction for October? It's going to be pretty hectic. Work starts on Monday. I know I'm really lucky to land myself in this company with such a good pay and great remunerations. Shouldn't be asking for more since I'm a fresh grad with no experience right?

Yup...people have been slapping me left and right and calling me a lucky b*tch because the first interview I land myself in and I got the job. Whatever I asked...the director just said yes to me. HmMm...that's going to come in handy when I ask for a raise *evil laughter*. Nah...shouldn't be counting my chickens before they hatch.

I'm already getting more than the usual fresh graduates are getting and also I get my phone bills and petrol money all subsidized. Travelling expenses all paid....so...I guess it's cool.

Oh...if you're wondering what I'm doing? I'm an account executive....part of the Fujitsu team. *dreams of going to Japan one day* Since their headoffice is in Singapore...I guess I'll soon be travelling down to Singapore pretty often. Not now...since I'm still being trained by my Account manager Prudence.

So...life is looking up at the moment. Don't know when it's going to be bleak agian...*pessimistic Amy on the rise*

At one point...when I wasn't working....I felt a little lost. Directionless. Didn't really know what I wanted. Maybe also feeling a little down that everyone had a job and I didn't....*I know I know...I wasn't working for only a month* I even became anti-social. Didn't really want to talk or see anyone. Quarter-life crisis...hehehe....

Although most fresh grads take at least a month break or even more than that before looking for a job, I almost instantly landed myself with that event managing company. Thank goodness I didn't stay for long...if not...I'll just rot and die. Imagine me being there for a month and a half there.....how I coped..its still amazing....

So let hope...from now on...life would get a little more interesting and better...*fingers crossed*.

But then agian...that's just life ain't it? Full of ups and down, bumps and potholes....so right now, I'm pretty contented with what I have and where I am.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Oh my word!!! It's been a month since I last updated my blog! That's....just terrible isn't it?

I guess time really do fly when you're busy or occupied. I don't even know where September went!!! Maybe its time for me to slow down, take a deep breathe and just try to enjoy what holidays I've left until I start work agian.

Too much has happened to actually blog it down. Nope...don't worry...nothing drastic or unhappy. All great memories and good times.

I'm still up to my old habit of going out for a drink at night and just hanging out with friends at cafe's till late, chit chatting and talking. No more clubbing or heavy drinking for me since August. Surprise huh?

Every day I make it a point to get my fat lazy ass to the gym. I'm in love with combat classes now. Love the synergy in the class and the amount of sweat that drips down your face is just plain satisfying.

Gym is fun....there are a few hot guys there. But also very weird dodgy ones. Just few days ago while I was happily running on the threadmill, listening to my iPod and my eyes glued to the tv, a guy suddenly came onto the threadmill next to mine and waved his hands in front of me.

So there I was, thinking maybe I'm in trouble or I dropped something. I took of my earphones and looked at him. He on the other hand, came up with the lamest and most uncreative pick up line ever. "You look familiar, have I seen you somewhere before?"

Geezeeee....great.....I'm panting and am short of breath and here you are wanting to have a conversation with me. Smart move.

He kept on talking, asking my name, what I'm doing and the usual stuff. My answers came out curt and short. But obviously he didn't get the hint. I honestly wanted to hit the 'emergency stop' button and walk away. But hey...I was on the threadmill first and am NOT going to allow anyone to interrupt my exercise regime.

He wanted my number....and DAMN IT! I couldn't give the excuse of 'I don't own a handphone" because my handphone was right in front of me! To shut him up....I spurted the numbers out quickly in hope he didn't get it.

Unfortunately....he did. He even messaged me on that night itself while I was out with Krist. We of course had fun just laughing and bitching about the guy.

The next morning, he actually woke me up with an sms. Idiotic fool Who would sms someone at 7 in the morning!!! It read "Good morning Amelia! Are you going to the gym today?" NO LIFE.

I ignored his msg and went back to sleep. Who knows he'll bug me agian in the mid-afternoon while I was having tea with another friend.

Calvin and I decided to answer the msges since we have no life and nothing better to do. The guy...his name is Larry btw. *eWwW...* Well, he asked me for coffee and I said that I can't coz I've to meet up with my bf. (a lie....of course...)

Larry replies sounded so sad and a little phatetic. Calvin was laughing his ass off and was already attracting a few weird glances by the people sitting near us.

His replies were like. "He's such a lucky guy to have such a beautiful you while others could only dream about being with someone like you."

Disgusting? I know...but wait...it gets worst.

"You're beautiful, kind and generous not only on the outside but inside too." Dude...you don't even know me...you've only known me for like 5 seconds!!!

"Your bf is one lucky guy. He's fate to be with you is something a person like me can only wish for." - That was corny...and Calvin's remark was "Oi...he copying all this line from a book?"

"Honestly to tell you, you captured my heart the first time I saw you...."- I really spit out the water I was drinking while Calvin was now 100% gone. Laughing and clutching his sides.

Seriously...is this guy for real?!?! I mean...please...you don't go to gym and pick up girls who are sweaty and isn't looking their best. Also, if you want to pick up girls...i'm sure there are better pick up lines right?!?!

Calvin was amused. "Wei...maybe I should join the gym with you. You're there like less than a month and already 4 guys tried picking you up."

Me: Shut up....it's not funny. I go there to exercise. Not to get picked up. If get picked up by the hot guy never mind lah...but get picked up by dodgy idiots.

Calvin: Got chicks there or not?

Me: How would I know...when I'm there....I'm in my own world.

Calvin: Maybe its the latest trend...picking up chicks in the gym.

Great....just great...we can never escape from them can we? All these dodgy guys...do they really think they stand a chance? Especially by all the corny pick up lines? It's amazing how they think that they can get away with it.

I on the other hand prefer not to be disturbed while I'm exercising.