Mother Nature's Wonder
First, I would like to wish all my friends a Merry Christmas. I know...I's 2 days late but I've been really busy!!!To those I didn't manage to leave a message. Hope you guys understand!!!
I'm hardly at home for the past 2 weeks. Only back to sleep and rest. Coming home early in the morning and sleeping in on the weekends seem to be my daily routine now. Everday after work, I'm only home for an hour and ZoOOOM...I'm off agian! Amazing where I manage to find my energy for all of my after-work activities.
Christmas eve was great! Oscar, Leonart and Christ really made a great feast. A feast enough for a whole army but with only 9 of us eating...well...imagine all the left-overs! Of course, I grabbed the cake home. Christ wanted to throw it away! What a waste!! Rum and Raisins even. Geezee...DELICIOUS!!!
I had a lot of fun hanging out with Edwin, Leon, Calvin and Oscar and we played Taboo till 5 in the morning. Edwin, Calvin and I won of course!! hahahaha....*thanks Oscar for the great night!!!I really felt the Christmas Spirit all over agian*
The other day, I experienced another one of Mother Nature's magic. I saw this really big rainbow. It's not that I haven't seen a rainbow before, but this was really huge! I felt it was so close I could just reach out to touch it. It really was beautiful seeing a rainbow agian after so long. I don't know...this might sound weird, but when I saw it, I felt hope agian. As if nothing is impossible anymore.
But mother nature showed one of her ugly side a few days ago, claiming more than 10,000 lives with the huge earthquake in Indonesia. 8.9 on the richter scale. That's big! Imagine, we in Malaysia felt it as well. Today I flipped open the newspapers and all I see is disaster and death staring back at me. Imagine those who lost their loved ones, those who had to watch helplessly as their family and friends get swept away from the currents. Children loosing their lives, people loosing their homes. Mother Nature got her revenge. We, humans have been destroying earth and now it's time for us to payback for what we took.
But...I somehow wished that these natural disasters happened to places which actually deserves to be wiped out. Why hit all the poor and developing countries and take the lives of innocent people? Why not just wipe out the whole of Iraq so that it solves all the suffering and pain and war for the people there.
Sigh...that's really sad to come back from Christmas and read tragedies like these.I'm honestly quite worried for a few of my friends who are currently in Thailand and Indonesia. Been trying to contact them. All I can do now is pray and hope that they're alright.
Okay...let's move on to something more positive and happier. Lately, I've made some new friends. Friends that I've really bonded with and begin to love. Isn't it amazing how you just meet someone and instantly bond with them and feel as if you've known them for years? There are some people whom you've known for years and never get to feel the closness with at all. I'm thankful that these people have come into my life. I'm also thankful that they're here to teach me things I never knew.
I know for a fact that as long as we live, we're going to meet great people and also people who we can't stand. But they're in our lives for a reason. To teach us something, to make us realize something. That's why I never regret knowing someone or being with someone. I choose the path I walk, I choose the people I mix with.
Usually, I'm the kind who treat all people with all kidness. As I said before, whatever I do, I do it sincerely and from the heart, despite how terrible the person is to me. But I guess, there are times when I'm being to nice and get stepped all over. Am I angry? I was, but now...I just don't care. Karma happens...what goes around, comes around.
Like the other day, my friend from Aussie came back and we went out for a drink. Since it was only both of us, we decided to call out our mutual guy friend. As we sat there, the both of us realized that this guy never change. He's stuck in this time warp and never grow up. We moved on, he stayed behind, acting childishly and thinking that it's no fun being mature.
She said to me as we left, "I'm never going to call him out agian." This is coming from a girl who used to live a wild life. Who was someone who did a lot of shit. But she grew. She realized things and I'm so glad she did because she used to make me worry about her. Now I know she can very well take care of herself.
I guess we can't expect everyone to like us, or to like everyone. But I know one thing, my tolerance level has been raised. I guess I can now tolerate people who are snobbish, brags alot and just plain stupid. Because I find it hilarious to see them acting that way. We can only hope one day they will come around and realize what assholes they're being and change for the better.
It's sad to see mature woman acting like 18 year olds. I've seen one act like that lately and my friends actually said to me. "Maybe she's in denial about herself? She thinks she's not...but she is. Maybe that's why she don't have a guy or maybe that's why she don't have friends." I think they're right.
Sometimes, we have to wake up to reality and think to ourselves. If we have more enemies and friends, what are we really like? If we're at a certain age and the only thing we have is our job and hobby, is that what we really want? Is that all life has to offer us?
I don't know what kind of person I make out to be. But I'm really happy to have all my friends around me. I think that's what life is all about. Doing what makes US happy, being with great friends who you know will always be there for you and never leave you no matter what, having a wonderful family who loves and support you and also having a time of your life.
I know people walk in and out of our lives everyday, but the most important thing to do is to leave a foot trail of memories. Good ones. Merry Christmas everyone!!!!