The sweetest form of Revenge.
Today, I finally got my revenge. Yes...and it was damn sweet and delicious. Sweeter than honey and as scrumptious as Ice cream.

So this is what happened. For the first class, Mr.Short Tongue sat in front of me while I sat next to Liy. I told her about what he had done to me and purposely threw insults out loudly and I'm very sure he heard it. For example. "Shesh shtalk shlike sthis." meaning= "He talks like this"
Let's just hope he's not as stupid and got the hint. Then the topic of abortion came up. Ms. Lim asked us if we're pro-abortion or agianst it. So, Mr.Short Tongue decided to share his thought, which was really stupid. I mean, about aborting a baby, it really depends on the situation right? He said, "Hey...if you don't want to get pregnant then don't do it!"
Guess what i said out loud? Yes....I said, "FOR GOD SAKE! THERE'S SOMETHING CALLED CONTRASEPTIVES"
Then he shot something back which i couldn't hear at all. That's because his sentence was really slurred and blurred. So I said out loud, "No wonder you're still a virgin!"
AHAHAHAH...Liy hit me in the arm and said I was mean. So what? An eye for an eye...don't mess with me...coz you hit me once...i'll hit you back 10 times more.
After that class, we headed off to Violet's class and Liy was joking with him about something like. If she's not married by 25, he has to take care of her. Which was really dumb and he saw my facial expression. I totally ignored him and threw my comments to Liy like, "Hey, trust me, you'll get better." or "Are you sure you don't want to look around? I'm sure there's better guys out there." and "I'll find you normal guys if you can't find one when you hit 25."
Then finally he said, "I don't know what she has agianst me today." DUH....what do you think?! and when i was saying something to Violet, he suddenly crack a comment about my boyfriend.
I whipped around and glared at him and said, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT COMMENT ABOUT?"
He looked away and then replied softly, "What was all your comments about?"
I got to him! YES!
So I ignored him agian, after class, I decided to head down to Lunch with Mr.Bong. Without Mr.Short Tongue. I saw him sitting alone at the opposite cafeteria. MAUHAHAHA.....
Anyway, Mr.Bong was really sweet cause i was talking to him about my problems, saying that I was confused and have lost my direction. He said he was very happy to hear me say that. That's because only people who can do many things and who are capable have these problems. So he asked me to prepare a brief for him, about my self. An Ad strategy. He said no matter what, he'll be willing to help me....and he seems to have really high hopes on me.
He said out of all his students, he really believes in me....

Mr.Bong don't like him. He said that Mr.Short Tongue is a conceited, arragont, male chauvanist pig and that he'll fall on his face sooner or later. THis is coming from a man who's been in the industry and was once the top in his line.
But now i've got my revenge...i'll just ignore him. He's a ghost to me. He doesn't exists.
Anyway, tomorrow will be Malaysia's very own 47th National Day. What am I going to do to celebrate it? PARTY of course!!! Yay...we'll be going out tonight...all 30 of us. Patriotic? YEAH RIGHT?!?! We're just finding an excuse to go out and party hard.

Oh...and how can i forget this?!?! Today for Media Law (Hakimah's class) we have a guest lecturer/moderator from Curtin University, Joseph Fernandez. OH BOY!! She's in trouble. We complained so much to him...and he was shocked!!! Yes yes yes!!
*bAnG* SHE'S DOWN...ahhahah