<<+--Love~Life & Ramblings--+>>

Come on...life can't be that perfect. You expect it to be all flower, butterflies and rainbows? Reality check...it's definately NOT

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Another mindless rambling

I am still not going to make any sense. My mind is scattered all over the place.

I'm thinking of Waffle World's pasta. It's ironic that their waffles are mediocre and the pasta rocks ass!

I'm thinking of the minions from Despicable Me and how in Islam they say that the end of the world will be because of the Devil with One Eye...and one of the minion has only an eye.

I'm thinking how on earth did I fall in love with a little brown furball. Was it the innocent face or was it the fact he can do 'Bang! Bang!'

I'm thinking how nice to have a disgusting amount of money but still be a generous and kind person.

I'm growing horizontally these days. Being Fat is a fashion faux pas.

I'm thinking how lucky I am to be in love and married to Benjamin Chew.

I'm thinking about all the social norms and am getting really bored.

I'm thinking about all those crazy and weird relatives who calls you randomly and you start thinking to yourself..."What do they really want?"

I'm missing Bailey...I need to go home...

This is a canvas where I paint my thoughts on...so let me be..

Monday, July 26, 2010

Long overdue post

I've not been writing in my blog for ages. No excuses for this...it's just me being plain lazy.
Work will always be busy. Life is all about existing.

It gets depressing sometimes. But then the little things in life puts that smile back on your face.
Bailey sitting in front of me, looking at me with his head cocked to one side. That made me smile.
Hubby coming home after a long day at work and giving me a peck on my cheek. Another smile.
Friend SMS-ing me stupid silly msges. Another smile.

Looking back one year ago, things have changed massively. This time last year, I was busy planning for my upcoming nuptials. Getting married to the man I want to spend the rest of my life with.

This time last year, we all don't expect the things that is going to happen is happening. People you've come to love and call close friends, leaving the company. It's really sad because things won't be the same again.

I hate changes. I bask in the joy of normality.

I know we have to all say goodbye eventually. But I still hate it. Hate it tahap maximum.

I'm talking gibberish today. Give me a break. It's Monday and Monday generally sucks big time (unless its a holiday).

Church yesterday was good. Pastor talked about the book of Habakkuk. It's true how we whine and complain and sometimes even TELL God what to do. We just have to remember that everything happens for a reason and HE has a bigger plan for all of us.

There are times when we feel we're all alone. The truth is, we're never alone. God is there with us...just remember that and you'll never be alone again.

That's all for the nonsensical post today. Let me go gather my thoughts and come back with a post that makes better sense.


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