There was a time when I looked at human kind and wondered if we were actually monsters of destruction or basically just the species with higher intelligence and on top of the food chain. How can I not look at my own kind and feel ashamed of the things we 'humans' do? For instance, raping a kid and murdering them brutally, killing someone and robbing, are all said to be 'inhumane' actions which animals themselves don't do.
Okay, let's not talk about the extremes. Let's look at us. We're normal right? But we do things sometimes, like bitch around ones back, hurt someone's feelings and the other things which i won't waste my time eleborating on. Is this what our generation has become? Selfish and inconsiderate?
I used to think so. I thought we were one hell of a selfish bunch who only looked out for our own back, do things that benifts us and basically to make sure we achieve what we want no matter whose back we step on and what we have to do to get there.
But...I was proven wrong. Yes, the hope I lost for mankind was found agian.
Tsunami 26/12 as they now call it has taken more than 100,000 lives from the Asian Region. Banda Aceh and Sri Lanka has been hit hard from this natural disaster. Everyday for the past week, the newspapers have been plastering pictures of dead bodies, people who have lost not only their loved ones, but also their live belongings and their homes. Just looking at those pictures, you can see, feel and actually hear their remorseful cries and their pain.
Then, you think to yourself as you look around you. How lucky I am to be alive. To still have my family and friends by my side, to have a roof over my head and a comfortable bed to sleep on. When you eat a meal, you think about those who have nothing but contaminated water to drink from. You wonder, how does it feel, to cling on to life on a single thread and to hear children calling out for you to help them as they get swollowed by the sea or to let your loved ones hand slip from yours and to never hear them speak agian.
It's depressing. Like for instance, how a mother had to cling on to both sons. One was 9 and the other was 12. To survive, she had to let go of one or the three of them will die. In the end, she let go of the older son. Imagine what she had to go through. The pain of making a decision. But thankfully, her older son was found a few feet away, alive. However, how is she going to face him one day? When he's going to ask her,"Why mommy...why did you choose to let me go?"
But in between all the sad news, there's a few of hope and believe. People from all around the world, despite what race or nationality they are, they've united as one, to help and give charity to the victims.
I saw it with my very own eyes. A few days ago, I felt the need to do something for these victims. Especially the ones in Sri Lanka and Banda Aceh. I couldn't just sit on my comfy little ass and do nothing. So I helped my mom pack up some food and clothes to be donated.
What I never expected was a huge crowd at the Buddhist temple which was collecting donations to be sent over. I stood at the side, helping to pack some stuff and realized that the cars that kept on coming that day, never ceased. One after another, they unloaded their trunks with things. In the end, there wasn't enough volunteer to help to pack.
The two day charity drive extended to three days. Helping out there gave me hope agian. For once, humanity showed kindness and love for someone other than their ownself. They were coming together agian, as a whole to give help to those who needed it more then themselves.
Volunteers who knew nothing about one another, treated each other like good friends, making jokes and sharing food. I was happy to be part of those who can help. Even though there was nothing much I can least I found hope agian in humankind.
I thought of joining the 'mercy' group to go help in Sri Lanka or Banda Acheh. But as my brother was quick to point out to me, I probably end up getting sick and be a burden to the other volunteers there instead. Yes...I immune system is weak and I probably faint at the sight of blood.
Oh well...its the thought that counts right? I feel that mother nature was giving us a warning. In some ways, I wonder if we would ever learn from our past mistakes. I doubt it though.
To those who perished, I know that all of them are in a better place. Like what Uncle Tan said. This disaster might not be entirely a disaster at all. Now, the Indian government is willing to help Sri Lanka to rebuild their lives and maybe end the war with the Indian Tigers (terrorist extremist). Also, the kids who were living in hunger will find peace agian in a place better than what we call earth.
It's like God wants us to wash away our sins and let us start a new life. Its 2005 now. Time to reflect about the past, and move on to a good a better future. My resolution this year? Simple. Be happy.