Another mindless rambling

I am still not going to make any sense. My mind is scattered all over the place.
I'm thinking of Waffle World's pasta. It's ironic that their waffles are mediocre and the pasta rocks ass!
I'm thinking of the minions from Despicable Me and how in Islam they say that the end of the world will be because of the Devil with One Eye...and one of the minion has only an eye.
I'm thinking how on earth did I fall in love with a little brown furball. Was it the innocent face or was it the fact he can do 'Bang! Bang!'
I'm thinking how nice to have a disgusting amount of money but still be a generous and kind person.
I'm growing horizontally these days. Being Fat is a fashion faux pas.
I'm thinking how lucky I am to be in love and married to Benjamin Chew.
I'm thinking about all the social norms and am getting really bored.
I'm thinking about all those crazy and weird relatives who calls you randomly and you start thinking to yourself..."What do they really want?"
I'm missing Bailey...I need to go home...
This is a canvas where I paint my thoughts let me be..