*BoiNg BoINg bOiNg*
Imagine Tigger from Winnie the Pooh bouncing up and down like he just ate some jumping jelly beans. Yup...that's excatly how I feel right now.
Blame it on the white chocolate macadamia cake I shared with my mum today. Man...it was delicious!!! But...the effect it had one me...SUGAR RUSH!!! You know...Amy+Sugar= Bouncing off the walls.
Amazing how when I've some sugar in me, I suddenly have the inspiration to write agian. Usually, I'll just sit at my computer table, staring at a blank white screen, trying to crack my head to come up with at least one coherant sentence. Be it for assignment or an update on my blog.
Today....I've decided to actually bring up a very sensitive topic. No...it's not about love....or friendship....but it's about the harsh reality of life and gender biasness in the working world.
What provoked me to actually write this? Believe or not, Gender issue is part of our syllables in our PR International class.
Like it or not, the word "SEXUALITY" is actually a very big issue that we hardly see out there. For example. The woman right's movement. I'm not saying its a wrong thing. What they are doing is actually fighting for our female rights. Which is totally and absolutely right, because we are after all weaker in certain aspects. I'm definitely for anything agianst harming us female. For example, wife battery, abuse, rape or even harrassment.
But...I think that is where it should actually stop. Why bring gender issues into the boardroom? Why do we have to give special treatment to women...just because we are women?
I remember an article I read a long time ago, saying that the women are given more technical roles such as going out to meet clients and not more towards the mechanical roles. Reason is, because we women will probably get pregnant, have families, are always tired and basically in simple terms. WEAKLINGS.
Fine...in certain aspects and strengths, we definitely can't beat the men. But honestly, if I wanted to climb the corporate ladder and reach the top, I want to do it because I'm GOOD at what I do. Not because you give me special leeway because of my gender.
When I'm in a career that uses more of my mental than my physical, I believe we are at par with the males. So there should not be any special treatment. I know some of you will be thinking. "IS SHE MAD? She should be standing up for the women and that they need to be protected!"
You see, I always believe there's always the cause and effect strategy. Like in Sweden, they piroritize and emphasize so much about women's right, it's basically getting really unfair for the male population there. For example, if a male and female both of equal qualification and they are applying for a job, the job will definitely go to the female. Just because of what? She's a woman.
That's the cause...giving woman too much protection. The effect? Simple, woman become more powerful, divorce rates goes up and more single ladies are too career driven and strong to bother about being more laid back and actually taking time to be a women. Get what I mean?
Than there's this other issues. Men who looks down or gets intimidated by successful and beautiful woman. Why is it that men, especially asians always think that their wifes should be someone who wears an apron, be a baby making factory and basically someone lower than them.
It's true you know...how men usually wants to be seen as the higher authority.
I guess, you can blame it all on ego and inferiority complex. With my observation, I've realized that the futher women climb up the corporate ladder, she becomes more stronger and she will automatically think. "I don't need a man to survive. I can do this all on my own. I've bleed so much to come this far and I deserve this. No men is ever going to bully me or step on me anymore."
Who can blame them? Men always think we women can never be better than them. But why is it that we have to compare agianst one another? Why do we have to put gender into the work place?
Isn't it only fair if we just don't tag each other as women or men when working? We see each other as equals and we respect each other for our capabilities. Isn't that what its all suppose to be about? Look at us woman for our talents, our strenghts and our abilities. Not look at us because we are in skirts....
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