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Come on...life can't be that perfect. You expect it to be all flower, butterflies and rainbows? Reality check...it's definately NOT

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

*bReaThE In* BrEAtHE oUt*

Okay...what have I been up too? Latest craze....okay peeps...please don't laugh when you read this alright? The reason why I've turned down many many dinner appointment is....not because I'm on a diet...*are you mad?* I've recently took up...BELLY DANCING!!!

I'm not kidding...nope...I'm dead serious. At first when my mom suggested it, I looked at her as if she had grown two head. But after going for one class, I really found it fun! Man...the flexability, the hip swaying....its really fun! And the best part is, its exercise all roll into one.

I've always thought that those Arabic girl who did belly dancing had it easy. Oh Boy...was I wrong. It's actually quite difficult, with all the co-ordination, the hip movement, the whole entire thing actually needs alot of skill! I've a long way more to go...tsk tsk tsk...but hey...its fun!

HmMm...what else is new? Oh...I'm not rotting at home anymore, my friends finally decided that its time for me to get out. So...I'm back into the clubbing scene. Nah...no more alcohol for me. Everyone knows that Amy doesn't need alcohol to have fun! I've been out almost every weekend dancing my head out.

If you're wondering...why haven't I seen Amy then? It's because, we've changed out destination joint. No more Zouk...we've upgraded to Asian Heritage Row. Yuppers...I love it there because you can have fun and yet chill out at places like Blonde, Ivys and so on...then if you want Trance you can head to The Loft and if you want R&B we can just walk up to Bar Savan.

But one thing for sure is, wherever you go, there's still the same amount of dodgy guys coming up with the same pick up line. *shakes head* However...the good news is, I've met quite a few 'interesting' guys there. *heeheheheh* Especially last weekend...been getting down with this guy whose name I shall not reveal...but...hint...his name starts with a B and ends with a N. Anyway...things got pretty hot...*phew* but....after when I'm out of the club, having our usual after drinking 'mamak', I went all...how do you say this...urm...sorta backed out. So I deleted his number and went on my way. Don't ask me why. It's just one of those crazy things I do. NO no...he's really kinda cute....but...nah....its fun dancing and urm...flirting...but...outside in the real world...its a different story.

Enough about my boring life...let's move on to another craze of mine. Most of you know that I'm a huge fan of Orange Range.

For those who don't know who Orange Range is...go kick yourself in the head. Nah...kidding. Orange Range consists of 6 Okinawan guys. Trust me...its not a boy band...its a ROCK BAND BABEH!!! yEaH mAN....They've won countless awards including about 3-4 MTV Japan Awards that was held recently. Of course, their music is the most used ringing tone across Japan and the best part is, they're fairly new in the market. Yup...only 2 years.

Honestly, I thought these guys were older than me like 3-4 years but what really threw me off guard was....THEY'RE YOUNGER!!!! oKAY okAy...Hiroki (mid-vox), Naoto (Guitar), Yoh (Bass) and Natchan (Drums) are born in the same year as me...except that they're younger by months. But....but....my 2 most favorite guys in the band, Ryo (low-vox) and Yamato (High-vox) are younger than me!!!! I never knew Ryo was born in 1985...that's like 2 WHOLE YEARS!!! Yamato fortunately is only a year younger...man...they look tons older...

You know how I love humble young lads....*sigh* They're like the most nicest rock band I've ever seen! When they won the award for best album in MTV JAPAN, Ryo actually thanked the camera man for squatting and sweating in the midst of the crowd...how sweet...

Anyway...I can go on and on about this group and I don't want to end up like some crazy fan girl (which I already am...) My advice...go listen to their music...if you want a sample, mail or msg me so I can send you a few of their songs...or better yet...go visit their website at http://www.orangerange.net


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