<<+--Love~Life & Ramblings--+>>

Come on...life can't be that perfect. You expect it to be all flower, butterflies and rainbows? Reality check...it's definately NOT

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Okay first....I just want to say that I'm currently...ABSOLUTELY...in LOVE with....Kanjani 8's new song...Oh Enka...wonder if anyone has the same habit as me. If there's a song I liked, I'll listen to it over and over and over agian. If you check the playlist on my Ipod...it's like...60 times in just 3 days. HAhahAH...yup...Amy's one crazy gurl...

Anyway, pulling myself back to reality. It's finally Over....yeah...OVER...

What is Over? The only thing I've been ranting about for the past 2 months. I really can't believe how fast time flew. One minute I was telling my friend that we have about 7 more weeks to go before graduation and now...I'm sitting here...and everything is finished. Classes, Exams, Assignments....everthing done.

It feels weird. Especially when my group of 4 years...yes...4 years...did our final presentation. Oscar, Liy and I have always been a group and for all these years, we worked together in all our assignments. We knew how each other worked, what each other's strength and weaknesses and also how we think.

When I stood in front of the class for that final presentation, I suddenly felt overwhelmed. I knew then I was going to miss them. We would never present together unless we worked with each other in the same company.

I don't really know how to describe the feeling...but I know that I'll always miss the time where we leave our work to the very last minute. When I say last minute....trust me...its last minute. As in...our presentation is due in one hour and that's when we all do our work. But funny thing is...we always manage to score really high as a group.

Another thing was...when we sat for our final exam. I knew when I was writing on my sheet that it will be my last time ever doing this. Unless...*touch wood*...I fail and have to repeat.

Imagine, almost all our lives we've been studying. Suddenly...its over...and its a brand new thing for all of us. *Shiver*

I used to flip through the classifieds for fun...or use them as placemats when I do my art. But now...everyday I'm looking through it to see if there's anything interesting.

But our night out at Zouk will always be a night I'll remember. Us being classmates for almost 3 years just partied the night through. Liy, Hema, Mace and I were really just shaking our bootie's on the podium. It was fun!! Most of them were high and drunk....but Angel Amy here...didn't drink at all.

I told you I've willpower!!! ahhaah....I don't know why I don't feel like drinking these days. Maybe because of the last night out and me almost poisoning myself with alcohol. Bleah....Anyway, who says you need alcohol to have fun! I had fun all night!!! ehehe...

I met many people that night...people I didn't expect to see on a Thursday night...but hey...it was okay....Why I don't like Ghetto Heaven Night is because of all the dodgiest guys there. UghHhHhH.....SERIOUSLY...its like dodgy guys gathering or something.

Should've gone to Velvet with Oscar!!!! *bangs my head* At least there were more decent crowd there...but anyway...anything for friendship right? ehheeh....If I went to Velvet...I could've had champagne!!! Oh...and I bumped into Joey too....ahhaha....see...told you that if you go to Zouk...you're bound to bump into peeps you know....

Anyway, I'm sleepy....gonna go crash and dream of my darling Jin...dang....he cried....seeing him cry...just makes me want to reach out to him and hug him. And in Minna No Terebi...blardy hell...that woman better hands off my Kame and Jin...how can she mistaken Kame for Jin anyway?!?! I was actually laughing my head off when she made him call her Anego!!! Silly boy....


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