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Come on...life can't be that perfect. You expect it to be all flower, butterflies and rainbows? Reality check...it's definately NOT

Saturday, November 20, 2004

New Soul or Old Soul

Many of you out there would disagree with what I'm going to write. Maybe you'll think I'm way whacked out of my mind. But I'm not. Don't take it personally, because this is only my point of view.

Have you ever wondered, what's your purpose living on this earth? I'm sure that thought have crossed many minds before. Well...it sure did cross mine. I've even thought about....am I here to help? To teach? To learn? To give or to take?

There's no answer to it. But I think to learn is more appropriate. Yes...life is a never ending learning experience. You meet one person and you learn from them. Despite him or her being evil, bitchy or bad. You learn never to become like them or never to do the same mistakes they did.

Someone said to me before. Every person that came into her life was like a book that she can learn from. The more friends she made, the more people she met, the wiser she became.

I find that very true. I look around me and realize that each and everyone is different in their own unique way. True...I get annoyed at some people and probably can't stand their actions or attitudes, but what makes them become this way? Do I ever want to become like them? Am I like them? No...if I can see the bad and negative side of the person....it only means that I should and shall never become that way.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that I'm perfect. I've my flaws. In fact, I've so many flaws its uncountable. I'm not even what you can call a decent human being right now. But I'm not afriad to say that I'm learning. I'm not sure if I'll succeed, but I will damn hell try my very best.

People come into your lives for a reason. Some might hurt you, some might step on you and some might give you joy. I've always felt that there is no point in being angry or holding a grudge agianst someone who said something bad about you or did something to hurt you. It doesn't do you any good. All you can do is vent out your anger by screaming, shouting and even shouting profinities at that person. But so what? What do you gain? Satisfaction or a bad case of sore throat and high blood pressure?

Sure....we need to vent out our anger....but if only we can transfer all that energy into something else. Something more useful. I know its difficult, and I'm not going to lie and tell you that I do not scream or shout when I'm angry. But if you see it this way, what goes around, comes around. The law of Retribution. It'll always be there.

I've learned that walking away from a fight and being the bigger person. You will feel so much lighter, and happier.

Judging someone without knowing that person first. Unfair? Of course it is. But everyone judges everyone. For instance, you walk on a street and you see this extremely huge or obese lady. I'm sure you'll say "DAMN...CHECK THE FAT ON THAT LADY!" or something along that line. Have you ever thought that as you judge someone, there is someone else out there who might be judging you as well? Give that a thought.

That's why. I hate judging people. I do not like thinking of someone other than they are not. So what if he or she looks bad? They're human like any of us. With feelings and emotions. Do they deserved to be talked down like that? Do you deserve to pass judgement on someone without looking at yourself first? Do you have the right to judge someone?

But then agian, I'm someone who don't give a two cent worth of my time to bad judgements passed on me. I really don't care what people say or think about me. I am who I am. If I allow people to get to me. To put me down and to make me feel any less than I am. Then I'm falling into their trap. In other words. Be confident and proud of who you are.

I always believe, if you can take a few minutes off your busy schedule and reflect upon yourself. Maybe....just maybe....people will be less selfish and ignorant.

I don't ask for anything from anyone. Just to leave me in peace and if there's something you want to say to me. Say it to me directly. If friendship is what you want, friendship is what you get. Because that is the only thing I, Amy can offer.


Blogger Rinrin said...

Hi Amy! Sounds like you're starting to feel a little better! I'm so glad! What you say is very true. We all, as human beings, tend to judge people just by the way they look which is a very bad thing. I try very hard not to do that, but sometimes....:P (well, like I said we're only human beings and none of us is perfect). Anyway, keep your chin up! All any of us can do is to try our best!

2:19 AM  

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