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Come on...life can't be that perfect. You expect it to be all flower, butterflies and rainbows? Reality check...it's definately NOT

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

How do you know if you're right or wrong?

Once agian, let me repeat this. Human beings are actually too smart for their own good. Because each of us are different and unique in our own ways, there are bound to be clashes of thoughts and ideas.

When this happens, how would you know if your decision or what you're fighting for is actually right or wrong? Just like, how do you know if America's decision to bomb Iraq is right?

How would you know, if the guy you're in love with is right or wrong for you? How would you know if the guy sitting opposite you is actually your fated one?

Life is full of questions...and I especially hate the 'what if' questions. What if I've done that? What if I've choosen that? There'll be no 'what ifs' if we just seize the day and go for it right?

I don't ever wish to regret about something major in life. Take for example. I don't ever want to wake up one day thinking, 'What if I've done this differently? Would my life be different?' Heck....the choice is in my hands. To choose the path I would walk on...if it leads to a dead end, great! At least I've tried and tested it. No sleepless nights of 'What ifs'.

Same goes with relationships. Its a major risk to take don't you think? I mean, nothing is guaranteed in life. There's definately no guarantee in love as well. People fall in love fast and then fall out of love faster too....

But then....choosing the right guy or girl is the most difficult task of all right? First off, you need enough chemistry to supply enough electricity to the entire city. Secondly, you need to have the same interest and at least be able to talk to each other for hours without feeling bored or going short on topic.

However, if we were to scruntinize and pick on every single thing in a girl or guy, just wait till you're 80 to get into a relationship.....by then, you'll be done evaluating all the eligible guys in the country.

Maybe that's why we have flirts, playa's and sluts. In some ways, I don't blame them for being that way. They probably have their own reasons for playing with other people's feelings. But of course, I don't condone it. It's very wrong to hurt someone of the opposite sex or lead them on. Although your own feelings is not involved, someone else's is...and sometimes, I don't know how people can sleep easy at night knowing that they've hurt someone deeply out there.

I don't think I can ever be fake...what you see is what you get. I'm a simple person who treats everyone around me sincerely and honestly. If I like you, then you'll know it...but if i don't...i'll just avoid you like the plaque....

Am I a nice person? Am i always doing the right thing or not? I wouldn't know? Up till now? I think I've been a moderate, decent human being......I think...But I might be wrong....You be the judge of it


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh..Your head must be running a thousand miles when you wrote this, we need to slow it down!! Way down!! In logic states, there is only three possibilities...its either 1's(true), 0's(false), or x's(dont cares). =) I think u should stick to 'x' all the time.=)

As whether you are a nice person?! You must be joking rite.... You dont even know how to squash ants!!


5:32 PM  
Blogger Rinrin said...

Very deep thoughts for someone who will soon be going wild with Bonita! My philosophy is, if the choice I've made is one that I truly believe in both my mind and my heart to be the right one, then I have no regrets and I never look back on what might have been. As long as the people who are important to me are supportive of me, that's enough for me!

6:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rinrin...You are absolutely right.=)

9:38 AM  

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