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Come on...life can't be that perfect. You expect it to be all flower, butterflies and rainbows? Reality check...it's definately NOT

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Yes. It's a Saturday and it's only FREAKING 10 A.M!!!

What the hell is Amy doing up at 10 a.m and blogging like she hasn't got a life?
Let me tell you why....I've to work every 3 Saturday's!!! *starts to wail and cry*

Seriously....this blossom is starting to wilt. Maybe I'm going through some quarter life crisis. So what if everyone tells me "Hey...you do now that the economy isn't good right now and there's tons of unemployed graduates out there dying to get a job. You're getting a good pay too. So why are you complaining?"

BECAUSE...I really don't see any potential working in my present company. There will be no future. I feel like I'm trapped in some glass box where I see life just pass me by.

I had a nightmare last night. *shudder* I dreamt I would end up working here for the next 20 years of my life and get nowhere. I dreamt that I'll end up doing some routine job and just die without ever being contented. I dreamt that....*shakes head and tries to forget*

Anyway, forget about the nightmare. It just made me realize that I really need to do something about my life. Not to the extent of just sitting in this dead end seat and blog out my unsatisfaction.

So....what did I do? I'm printing out like 10 resumes, looking for some other 'Interesting' jobs so I can get out of this hellhole.

I mean...I'm Amy....I can't just be locked up. I need to fly...I need to explore...I need to be on the go. Not sit at my desk from 9-6, surfing the net after I finish a proposal that only took 2 hours to do.

Somehow or another, I just know if I stayed here...I'll sink into the deepest sea of depression and probably die old, wrinkly and dry. Yeah.....I can forsee myself that way if I stayed in this company.

No no no...other than the boring job scope. I love the people here. They're absolute darlings (i'm not being sarcastic here).

Maybe I'm just being a brat. o_O"

But what about the whole crap that everyone has been ranting about "You're young...you have the whole world at your feet....BLa BLa BlAHHHHh..."

Yes....whole world at my feet but the wings on me are broken. I'm still waiting to get it fixed. *taps feet impatiently*

When I do get to fly....man...am I going to fly out of here FAST!!!


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