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Come on...life can't be that perfect. You expect it to be all flower, butterflies and rainbows? Reality check...it's definately NOT

Monday, March 27, 2006

I've become a pig.

But then agian...when was the last time I wasn't one anyway?

Sorry for the late updates. I've been busy. Yup...the 101th time I'm saying this as an excuse.

Truth be told, I'm not as busy as you think I am. I still have time to sleep, eat, talk on the phone, surf the net, meet up with my friends during the weekend.

How's work? That's one question I get every time I meet up with a friend. Well...work is good. It's stressfull, but it's interesting and it keeps me alive. I love my colleagues. I love my working environment. I'm trying my best to love my client which is so blardy difficult. But I'm trying.

I love the fact that even though I'm so blardy stressed with work, I make mistakes, but at the end of the day, everything is worth it.

I love the fact that in Grey, our creative and servicing team act as a family. We attack together.

I love the fact that when we have internal meetings, we have fun, we bitch and we laugh like there's no tomorrow.

I love the fact that everyone around me is nice and not as snooty or snobish as I thought.

I love the fact that I finally am learning something and found a place where I feel comfortable at.

Does that answer the question?


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